Monday, August 4, 2008


What effects (positive and negative) will the project have on the environment?
  • The project is all about creating a clean and green and healthy environment. With proper implementation of ESWM, cleanliness at the community level will be maintained and improved. Spread of diseases due to unsanitary environment will be prevented. Further, the beauty of the community will be enhanced. Production of compost or organic conditioners and fertilizers if utilized in farming will certainly lessen dependence on commercial inorganic fertilizers. Several beneficial effects of organic and compost to farming have been proven. With continuous usage of organic fertilizers and conditioners, soil will be improved and productivity of farm lands will likewise be improved which will then, also redound to increased harvests and income for the mainly agricultural economy of San Isidro and Victoria.
  • The negative effects will happen when the project fails. Continued throwing of garbage in coastal areas and other bodies of water will clog the waterways and result to flooding. Apart from the unsightly effect of throwing garbage in the seas and lakes, it will in the long run, also affect water quality of these water bodies and will in turn, impact on the aquatic and other life forms living in that ecosystem. It may also become a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms which would harm people living near them.

What measures will be employed by the project to minimize its negative effects on the environment?

  • A simple technology in enhancing process of composting in order to produce more volume of compost at reduced period of time and lesser foul odor. This way, compost product could immediately be utilized for agricultural production.
  • Coordination and partnering with experts who could assist in identifying appropriate site for MSRs with modified sanitary landfills (if the PMC and MSWMB finds it really unavoidable to secure one) will be undertaken to ensure the site passed the standards imposed by the EMB and HLURB.


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