Monday, August 4, 2008


Prior to this proposal, was there any previous activity done by the proponent, together with the beneficiary organization?
  • The EVPRD had a previous SWMS project in partnership with the LGU of Laoang.
  • Most of EVPRD’s projects are community-based and this experience help ensure that projects such as solid waste management is established, grounded and operationalized at the household and barangay level.

Specify the participation of beneficiaries in project planning, implementation, management and contribution to costs.

  • As indicated in the project, the people in the 12 coastal barangay of San Isidro shall be involved in the determination of problem, issues and needs of their respective community; they shall be involved in the determination of public policy, in the enforcement and administration of public policy and are encouraged to participate in the setting up and operation of livelihood opportunities that will flow from the SWMS.
  • In terms of cost, the residents of the barangay will contribute in the build-up of capital for livelihood projects that they will participate in. For households, service providers, commercial and industrial firms, cost contributions will be through taxation system that shall be determined in the barangay and municipal ordinances.

State whether the local government or other line agencies will be involved in project implementation. In what way will they be involved (eg. provision of cash or in-kind contribution, technical assistance.)?

  • The LGU will formulate and promulgate the Municipal/barangay ordinance while the project outputs such as the community-level solid waste management practice will be a major input into the ordinance and plans. The LGUs will also provide the monetary and other incentives as may be decided for the LGU personnel including the barangay eco-aides. The LGU will also provide the big-budget facilities that are not inclused in the project such as the landfill and major equipments that will be utilized in the SWMS.
  • The other government agencies that will be involved are TESDA and DSWD for the livelihood skills training and project development. They shall provide the trainers’ honoraria, training modules and the appropriate certifications or accreditation to trainee graduates.

To what specific concerns in the local development plan does the project respond?

  • The LGUs are required to come up with implementing plant pursuant to the provision in R.A. 9003. The proposed project is a complement to that plan by focusing on mobilizing the participation of the people in the communities in the aspect of policy development; enforcement and administration of public policy and the coordination of the economic benefits that shall come from such policy.


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