Monday, August 4, 2008


What is the number and proportion of women and men among the target beneficiaries?
  • As project policy, the need for balance representation will be strictly observed.

Describe how men and women will share the responsibilities of and the benefits from the project.

  • The sharing of responsibility and benefits will follow the principle of co-responsibility and leadership that can be reflected in the organizational and leadership structures. The benefits of clean and green and healthy environment will accrue to the men and women who share responsibility and leadership in making them happen. The benefits from livelihood components will redound to those who participate in the decision-making processes as well as their share in the responsibilities that make them achieve the objectives of the livelihood endeavor. Their contributions in those processes will measure their share of the benefits.

How will the projected outcomes result to gender-related changes such as access to and control of resources and benefits, division of workloads and time-use, etc.

  • The project is an equal opportunity undertaking. The policy development outcomes in terms of clean and healthy environment should lead to lesser burden to women who often are the cleaner of lawns in street fronting residential houses. The livelihood component outcomes could also lead to women having their own self-employment and income generating opportunity.


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