Monday, August 4, 2008


Show the computation of the financial and other benefits of the project (expected income increases for individual beneficiaries, capital build-up/savings, employment generated, etc.) in comparison to the present condition of the beneficiaries?
  • The project is basically a social mobilization at policy development, enforcement and administration. Most of the investments are for social cost. The livelihood component will come later and its identification will be part of the process to be undertaken by the project. In the aspect, the financial and other benefits will have to be determined only then.

In monetary terms, how do these expected benefits compare with estimated project costs (e.g., in terms of cost per benefit, cost per beneficiary, etc.)?

  • The monetary estimate is highly speculative at this time as it is subject to many factors that the project will have to determine at the community profiling and livelihood components.



Prior to this proposal, was there any previous activity done by the proponent, together with the beneficiary organization?
  • The EVPRD had a previous SWMS project in partnership with the LGU of Laoang.
  • Most of EVPRD’s projects are community-based and this experience help ensure that projects such as solid waste management is established, grounded and operationalized at the household and barangay level.

Specify the participation of beneficiaries in project planning, implementation, management and contribution to costs.

  • As indicated in the project, the people in the 12 coastal barangay of San Isidro shall be involved in the determination of problem, issues and needs of their respective community; they shall be involved in the determination of public policy, in the enforcement and administration of public policy and are encouraged to participate in the setting up and operation of livelihood opportunities that will flow from the SWMS.
  • In terms of cost, the residents of the barangay will contribute in the build-up of capital for livelihood projects that they will participate in. For households, service providers, commercial and industrial firms, cost contributions will be through taxation system that shall be determined in the barangay and municipal ordinances.

State whether the local government or other line agencies will be involved in project implementation. In what way will they be involved (eg. provision of cash or in-kind contribution, technical assistance.)?

  • The LGU will formulate and promulgate the Municipal/barangay ordinance while the project outputs such as the community-level solid waste management practice will be a major input into the ordinance and plans. The LGUs will also provide the monetary and other incentives as may be decided for the LGU personnel including the barangay eco-aides. The LGU will also provide the big-budget facilities that are not inclused in the project such as the landfill and major equipments that will be utilized in the SWMS.
  • The other government agencies that will be involved are TESDA and DSWD for the livelihood skills training and project development. They shall provide the trainers’ honoraria, training modules and the appropriate certifications or accreditation to trainee graduates.

To what specific concerns in the local development plan does the project respond?

  • The LGUs are required to come up with implementing plant pursuant to the provision in R.A. 9003. The proposed project is a complement to that plan by focusing on mobilizing the participation of the people in the communities in the aspect of policy development; enforcement and administration of public policy and the coordination of the economic benefits that shall come from such policy.



What is the number and proportion of women and men among the target beneficiaries?
  • As project policy, the need for balance representation will be strictly observed.

Describe how men and women will share the responsibilities of and the benefits from the project.

  • The sharing of responsibility and benefits will follow the principle of co-responsibility and leadership that can be reflected in the organizational and leadership structures. The benefits of clean and green and healthy environment will accrue to the men and women who share responsibility and leadership in making them happen. The benefits from livelihood components will redound to those who participate in the decision-making processes as well as their share in the responsibilities that make them achieve the objectives of the livelihood endeavor. Their contributions in those processes will measure their share of the benefits.

How will the projected outcomes result to gender-related changes such as access to and control of resources and benefits, division of workloads and time-use, etc.

  • The project is an equal opportunity undertaking. The policy development outcomes in terms of clean and healthy environment should lead to lesser burden to women who often are the cleaner of lawns in street fronting residential houses. The livelihood component outcomes could also lead to women having their own self-employment and income generating opportunity.



What effects (positive and negative) will the project have on the environment?
  • The project is all about creating a clean and green and healthy environment. With proper implementation of ESWM, cleanliness at the community level will be maintained and improved. Spread of diseases due to unsanitary environment will be prevented. Further, the beauty of the community will be enhanced. Production of compost or organic conditioners and fertilizers if utilized in farming will certainly lessen dependence on commercial inorganic fertilizers. Several beneficial effects of organic and compost to farming have been proven. With continuous usage of organic fertilizers and conditioners, soil will be improved and productivity of farm lands will likewise be improved which will then, also redound to increased harvests and income for the mainly agricultural economy of San Isidro and Victoria.
  • The negative effects will happen when the project fails. Continued throwing of garbage in coastal areas and other bodies of water will clog the waterways and result to flooding. Apart from the unsightly effect of throwing garbage in the seas and lakes, it will in the long run, also affect water quality of these water bodies and will in turn, impact on the aquatic and other life forms living in that ecosystem. It may also become a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms which would harm people living near them.

What measures will be employed by the project to minimize its negative effects on the environment?

  • A simple technology in enhancing process of composting in order to produce more volume of compost at reduced period of time and lesser foul odor. This way, compost product could immediately be utilized for agricultural production.
  • Coordination and partnering with experts who could assist in identifying appropriate site for MSRs with modified sanitary landfills (if the PMC and MSWMB finds it really unavoidable to secure one) will be undertaken to ensure the site passed the standards imposed by the EMB and HLURB.



What makes this proposal different from others of the same nature? What innovation will the project introduce?
  • Most solid waste management systems are driven from on top, i.e., by LGUs initiatives through ordinance, enforcement and administration. Hence, SWM often becomes a mere garbage collection program. This project is an attempt to mobilize the participation of the people at the barangay level and upward to meet the local government initiatives as inputs to policy development; build enforcement and administrative mechanism on the ground; and, create opportunities for economic benefits from such participation.



Describe the structure, composition and functions of the Project Implementing Team (PIT), which shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project.
  • A PIT composed of a Project Officer who assisted by two (2) Community Development Workers will implement the project. The PIT shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project. They will all be hired and paid through this project. CDWs will be selected from applicants who are preferably residents of the project sites.
  • The PIT will work as a team and shall be under the supervision of the EVPRD’s Executive Director. They will be working closely and in coordination with the LGU’s PMC. The PMC on the other hand, will be composed of the (1) head of the Solid Waste Management Coordination Office representing the LGU; (2) the Executive Director of the EVPRD representing the NGO sector, (3) a representative from the business sector, (4) a school representative, and the (5) President of the Liga ng mga Barangay. Preferably, the head of SWMCO shall act as Chairperson of the PMC.

Identify the significant risks and common causes of failure in projects of this nature that will likely affect the achievement of project outputs/outcomes. What is the likelihood of these occurring during the life of the project?

  • Solid waste management project requires a visible leader who leads by example. This is the key to a successful project of this nature as exemplified by the experience of successful SWMPs. In San Isidro, the local executive expressed his personal willingness and desire to implement the project and pledged his support under his leadership. It is less likely for this to happen in this project site.
  • The other risk is the uncooperative sector of the population. This can be due to many factors that need to be analyzed and given appropriate action.

What measures will be implemented to prevent or mitigate the identified risks?

  • In the project, three main concerns are being instituted to mitigate the above mention risks. One, is the mobilization of the people in identifying the problems, issues and concerns that need to be inputted into the policy – the municipal ordinance pursuant to R.A. 9003. Two, is the engagement of the barangay local government unit and households at community level as part of the enforcement and administration of public policy. Three, is the incentive for participation, namely: the livelihood opportunities and the clean and green community that will result in the proper implementation of the ESW management system.



What organization structure will sustain the project benefits after PACAP assistance? Describe how this structure intends to sustain/continue the project benefits? (Should include practical steps or specific plans/mechanisms to ensure sustainability in terms of the human/financial resource, institutional or technical aspects of the project.).

  • Republic Act 9003 institutionalizes the municipal and barangay level SW management boards. The eco-aides and bio-man that will be organized during project implementation will ensure sustainability of inputs (both capacity building and physical investments). Maintenance of barangay level MRFs and municipal level MSF including system of household-level segregation, recycling, and processing will all be governed by policy ordinances/resolutions backed by plans and budgets at respective levels of local governance – the barangay and municipal LGUs.